#43403's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
18,23941,916fpm-cookeryA tool for building software packages with fpm.
29,3754,562as-notificationsProvides an instrumentation API for Ruby. It has been extracted from rails activesupport.
315,04963,432cucumber-sinatraThis little gem will help you to initialize a cucumber environment for a sinatra applic...
415,45963,432librrdRuby bindings for librrd. Extracted from the RRDtool source.
545,10063,432nagios_parserThe nagios_parser gem provides parsers for Nagios config and status files.
650,45741,916webmachine-testWebmachine::Test provides a testing API for webmachine-ruby inspired by rack-test.
791,16163,432smstraderbsmstraderb provides a client library for the smstrade.de HTTP API.
895,36963,432guard-spinoffGuard module for spinoff
9110,09463,432chef-handler-graylogChef handler to send GELF events to Graylog
10121,03063,432meac_controlLibrary to communicate with a Mitsubishi Electric G-50A centralized controller
11131,81041,916dcell-hazelcastHazelcast registry for DCell
12133,05863,432spinoffEnvironment preloader