Manuelmeurer's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1688592slack-ruby-clientSlack Web and RealTime API client.
24,7994,901gem_configA nifty way to make your gem configurable.
39,10010,779bootstrap-navbarHelpers to generate a Bootstrap style navbar
410,42110,145rails_bootstrap_navbarEasily generate a Bootstrap navbar in your Rails app
512,40142,025servicesA nifty service layer for your Rails app
613,17053,556middleman-cloudfrontAdds ability to invalidate a specific set of files in your CloudFront cache
727,40328,793middleman-bootstrap-navbarMiddleman extension to easily generate a Bootstrap style navbar
828,52031,663triesSolidify your code and retry on petty exceptions
937,49686,038nifty_settingsA nifty way to save and access application-wide settings.
1046,98886,038middleman-sitemap-pingMiddleman extension to ping search engines (Google and Bing) with a sitemap URL
1160,99286,038backup-sshBackup is a RubyGem, written for UNIX-like operating systems, that allows you to easily...
1279,55786,038skimlinksA simple wrapper around the Skimlinks APIs
1482,38935,764viglinkA simple wrapper around the Viglink APIs
15155,20935,764debitoorA wrapper for the Debitoor API.