#43435's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
16,03930,305foursquare2Gives access to all endpoints in version 2 of foursquare's API with syntax that will be...
219,29063,432checkdinRuby gem for interacting with the checkd.in API. See http://checkd.in or http://develo...
330,08963,432carazel"Nothing to see here"
469,76363,432unloqRuby gem for interacting with the Unloq API. See http://www.unloq.co/api_docs/index fo...
571,96825,458popshopsThe popshops gem provides convenient methods to access all of the popshops.com API feat...
682,02163,432sm_sms_campaign_webhookMiddleware providing webhook for Southern Made SMS Campaign Engagement.
797,55763,432montabeWrapper for the montabe API. Currently in alpha state, stuff will break.
8101,01141,916sm_app_configLibrary for managing application configuration using a YAML file or ENV variables.