1 | 2,148 | 2,507 | ar-octopus | This gem allows you to use sharded databases with ActiveRecord. This also provides a in... |
2 | 4,569 | 7,814 | cpf_validator | CPF validation for ActiveModel |
3 | 4,748 | 7,775 | cnpj_validator | CNPJ validation for ActiveModel |
4 | 6,458 | 25,716 | refile-s3 | Amazon S3 backend for the Refile gem |
5 | 6,467 | 11,504 | refile-mini_magick | Image processing via MiniMagick for Refile |
6 | 7,992 | 29,456 | refile | Simple and powerful file upload library |
7 | 12,613 | 16,044 | minitest-colorize | Colorize MiniTest output and show failing tests instantly |
8 | 15,957 | 16,657 | activerecord-connections | A new way to manage multi-tenant applications based on multiples databases |
9 | 22,481 | 61,367 | capybara-celerity | Capybara driver for celerity |
10 | 23,248 | 61,367 | refile-memory | In memory backend for Refile |
11 | 28,084 | 17,333 | mail_validator | Mail validation for ActiveModel |
12 | 29,658 | 61,367 | fonetica | BuscaBR algorithm which allow the comparison of words based on their phonetic likeness |
13 | 34,393 | 18,157 | range_sentence_parser | Parser for range sentences like '1990; 1995-2000; 2005' |
14 | 42,803 | 16,044 | presence_at_least_one_validator | Presence at least one validation for ActiveModel |
15 | 43,180 | 16,044 | machinist-caching | Object caching for machinist |
16 | 43,680 | 61,367 | uri_validator | URI validation for ActiveModel |
17 | 47,810 | 29,456 | asyncapi-server | Asynchronous API communication - Server |
18 | 49,713 | 61,367 | refile-fog | Fog backend for Refile |
19 | 52,218 | 61,367 | has_breadcrumbs | has_breadcrumbs is a simple plugin that adds a `breadcrumb` object into controllers and... |
20 | 56,641 | 61,367 | validates_as_cnpj | CNPJ validation for ActiveModel |
21 | 63,859 | 61,367 | capybara-culerity | Capybara driver for culerity |
22 | 81,933 | 61,367 | validates_as_cpf | CPF validation for ActiveModel |
23 | 93,717 | 61,367 | validates_as_uri | URI validation for ActiveModel |
24 | 116,376 | 61,367 | formtastic_masked_input | MaskedInput for formtastic |
25 | 121,108 | 61,367 | has_breadcrumb | has_breadcrumbs is a simple plugin that adds a `breadcrumb` object into controllers and... |
26 | 122,300 | 61,367 | gnubarcode | This rubygem does not have a description or summary. |
27 | 125,436 | 61,367 | validates_as_mail | Mail validation for ActiveModel |
28 | 130,840 | 41,086 | permitted | Authorization for ruby apps using roles concept |
29 | 150,973 | 61,367 | abstract_builder | AbstractBuilder gives you a simple DSL for declaring structures that beats manipulating... |