#43443's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
130,31110,145faker-isbnA faker extension that generates 13 digit ISBN's for your test suite/database
255,65886,038sidekiq-bossmanA Sidekiq utility that takes a programmatic approach to starting|stopping Sidekiq workers
369,45686,038rack-api-keyRackApiKey is a middleware that enables simple API key authentication
470,50286,038cucumber-selenium-standalonegenerates directory and required files for any type of project needing to test with Cuc...
594,05242,025static_resourceLeverages the XML parsing of ActiveResource into objects without making any network cal...
6120,91753,556jruby-quartzJruby-Quartz is a wrapper library for the Java based Quartz scheduling framework.
7123,28253,556magic_meta_methodsmagic_meta_methods uses ActiveRecord data serialization and allows for several objects ...
8128,01986,038uploadable_fileUseful for file attachment (paperclip, attachment_fu, etc) outside your standard web fr...
9131,79786,038rack-api-versioningVersion your Rack based API's using headers either through middleware or routing constr...