1 | 9,462 | 8,629 | punchblock | Like Rack is to Rails and Sinatra, Punchblock provides a consistent API on top of sever... |
2 | 18,218 | 34,964 | tropo-webapi-ruby | Ruby library for interacting with the Tropo Web API via REST & JSON |
3 | 28,545 | 34,964 | tropo-provisioning | Library for interacting with the Tropo Provisioning API |
4 | 35,394 | 147,291 | billwise4r | Ruby lib for consuming the Billwise SOAP/XML API |
5 | 47,987 | 47,929 | smsified | Gem for consuming the SMSified OneAPI |
6 | 57,443 | 53,644 | rspec-rayo | Rspec2 Matchers for Rayo |
7 | 126,782 | 107,887 | nugramserver-ruby | NuGram Hosted Server client APIs |