1 | 4,398 | 6,210 | ffi-rzmq | This gem wraps the ZeroMQ networking library using the ruby FFI (foreign
function inter... |
2 | 10,099 | 15,309 | stretcher | The elegant ElasticSearch client |
3 | 15,534 | 107,887 | dripdrop | Evented framework for ZeroMQ and EventMachine Apps. |
4 | 18,044 | 107,887 | em-zeromq | Low level event machine support for ZeroMQ |
5 | 23,506 | 8,141 | email_address_validator | RFC Compliant Email Address Parsing using the KPEG grammars. |
6 | 26,249 | 22,644 | logstash-codec-nmap | This gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe... |
7 | 55,716 | 53,644 | interrotron | A tiny, embeddable, lisp VM |
8 | 87,987 | 84,493 | mysql-xml | Provides a simple, fast way of parsing XML dumps of MySQL data, uses the REXML stream p... |
9 | 132,382 | 107,887 | rfc-822-validator | Implementation of RFC-822 |