Chrismytton's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
14,1546,292fancybox-railsThis gem provides jQuery FancyBox for your Rails application.
26,71077,965field_serializerDefine a set of fields and serialize them to a hash.
38,13368,530wikisnakkerTurn Wikidata items into Ruby structures.
48,95246,777scrapedWrite declarative scrapers in Ruby
510,79130,896everypolitician-popoloMakes it easy to work with EveryPolitician's Popolo output files from Ruby
611,238117,678vcr-archiveVCR Serializer and Persister for archiving HTTP requests
714,33077,965facebook_username_extractorTidy up the various forms of Facebook urls
822,014117,678twitter_username_extractorExtract Twitter usernames in various formats from strings, URLs and mentions
933,08777,965wikidata-fetcherUse Wikidata to get extra information on politicians.
1040,551117,678rack-git_shaServe up the current git commit SHA from rack
1143,36122,633everypoliticianInterface with EveryPolitician data from your Ruby app
1244,60997,080scraped_page_archiveArchives a copy of scraped web pages into a git branch
1350,68597, ruby client
1459,66443,535jekyll-everypoliticianUse EveryPolitician data in your Jekyll site
1573,88343,535rack-github_webhooksRack middleware to check GitHub webhooks are authentic
1674,83297,080webhook_handlerPerform an async action in response to a webhook
1783,282117,678sg_node_mapperMap social networking sites' URLs to and from a canonical form.
1887,80258,846capistrano-chef-soloCapistrano tasks for chef-solo
19100,42577,965jekyll-writeinpublicLink to WriteInPublic from Jekyll sites
20100,700117,678omniauth-blueviaOmniAuth strategy for BlueVia
21104,17097,080with_git_repoPerform some actions on a git repo then push the results back
22105,103117,678sinatra-github_webhooksHelper methods for receiving GitHub webhooks with Sinatra
23105,11468,530everypolitician-pull_requestProduces a summary of EveryPolitician data pull requests
24106,417117,678jekyll-searchAdd JavaScript based search across collections on your Jekyll site
25108,53777,965pull_request_summarizerProduces a summary of EveryPolitician data pull requests
26109,580117,678jekyll-csvLoad CSVs into Jekyll Collections
27123,40377,965pombola_extract_info_pagesExtract infopages from a Pombola database dump
28130,177117,678the_community_farmUnofficial API for The Community Farm Bristol
29132,869117,678toggledotsShow and hide the hidden files in OSX from the command line.
30141,249117,678jekyll-remote_csvSpecify remote CSVs to be included in
31153,520117,678jekyll-google_analyticsAdd Google Analytics to your Jekyll site
32155,51597,080date-rangeRuby port of Perl's Date::Range
33158,586117,678jekyll-facebook_commentsFacebook Comments plugin for Jekyll
34158,976117,678sinatra-jekyllUse Jekyll layouts from Sinatra.