Hornairs's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
19,16218,833state_machine-audit_trailLog transitions on a state machine to support auditing and business process analytics.
218,89013,800minitest-snapshotsMinitest plugin implementing Jest-style snapshot testing
322,55686,038everqueenRun QUnit JavaScript unit tests, integrate them into Ruby applications.
423,78686,038que-locksJob locking for que jobs such that only one can be in the queue or executing at once.
554,84153,556thwartImplements a robust Role Based Access System where Actors are granted permission to pre...
662,52822,512trestle-jsoneditorJSONEditor integration for the Trestle admin framework.
774,76486,038rbacanableSimple role based permissions system
882,03486,038sprockets-rails-parallelPrecompile them assets with the power of modern computing!
987,43086,038trestle-omniauthUse omniauth auth providers to authenticate with Trestle
1088,57342,025hornairs-transmission-clientA Transmission RPC Client
11113,21886,038fixingsEasy rails setup with infrastructure and a bunch of handy correctness pieces
12121,58953,556hornairs-scrobblerA ruby library for accessing the last.fm v2 webservices
13169,09386,038create-github-deploySimple binary to create github deployment and deployment statuses from the command line