Midwire's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
116,79613,150my_zipcode_gemA Ruby gem for looking up and manipulating US postal codes and geocodes.
219,22186,038midwire_commonA useful Ruby library
333,60242,025basecomm_sdkRuby client gem for Base Commerce ACH provider
436,04386,038tr4n5l4teUse Google Translate without an API key.
545,49286,038movie_organizerAutomatically organize movies, tv shows and home videos.
666,33786,038stubsvcDeterministically stub out calls to ActiveResource web services.
775,79186,038padrino-apidocA padrino sub-app plugin to generate API documentation for your controllers.
889,93928,793jsonapi_rspecProvides RSpec matchers for json:api related specs
9101,06086,038acts_as_bytefieldChange an ActiveRecord string column into a byte field.
10117,51926,609free_zipcode_dataFree US and world-wide postal codes in SQLite and CSV format. Automated zipcode/postal ...
11126,68753,556yweatherPort of the yahoo-weather gem, an object-oriented interface to the Yahoo! Weather service.
12144,82886,038omniauth-gabOmniauth provider for Gab Oauth2
13154,65753,556march_hare_mockMarchHare/RabbitMQ mock class in JRuby. Useful for mocking MarchHare usage in test code.
14159,31786,038whoopsieError notifications for Rails and for JavaScript errors