1 | 231 | 314 | ice_nine | Deep Freeze Ruby Objects |
2 | 253 | 225 | dry-core | A toolset of small support modules used throughout the dry-rb ecosystem |
3 | 281 | 243 | dry-logic | Predicate logic with rule composition |
4 | 282 | 242 | dry-types | Type system for Ruby supporting coercions, constraints and complex types like structs, ... |
5 | 297 | 337 | dry-configurable | A mixin to add configuration functionality to your classes |
6 | 309 | 1,364 | equalizer | Module to define equality, equivalence and inspection methods |
7 | 352 | 461 | coercible | Powerful, flexible and configurable coercion library. And nothing more. |
8 | 359 | 456 | virtus | Attributes on Steroids for Plain Old Ruby Objects |
9 | 368 | 476 | axiom-types | Define types with optional constraints for use within axiom and other libraries. |
10 | 370 | 729 | dry-container | A simple, configurable object container implemented in Ruby |
11 | 609 | 1,723 | dry-equalizer | Module to define equality, equivalence and inspection methods |
12 | 622 | 474 | dry-validation | Validation library |
13 | 636 | 335 | dry-initializer | DSL for declaring params and options of the initializer |
14 | 689 | 415 | dry-schema | dry-schema provides a DSL for defining schemas with keys and rules that should be appli... |
15 | 1,025 | 986 | dry-struct | Typed structs and value objects |
16 | 1,292 | 3,116 | adamantium | Immutable extensions to objects |
17 | 1,458 | 1,292 | dry-monads | Common monads for Ruby |
18 | 1,578 | 562 | dry-cli | Common framework to build command line interfaces with Ruby |
19 | 1,626 | 1,556 | dry-auto_inject | Container-agnostic automatic constructor injection |
20 | 1,985 | 1,784 | dry-events | Pub/sub system |
21 | 2,222 | 1,857 | dry-matcher | Flexible, expressive pattern matching for Ruby |
22 | 2,517 | 2,692 | dry-monitor | Monitoring and instrumentation APIs |
23 | 2,904 | 1,959 | transproc | Transform Ruby objects in functional style |
24 | 3,115 | 7,663 | dm-core | DataMapper core library |
25 | 3,269 | 9,727 | dm-migrations | DataMapper plugin for writing and speccing migrations |
26 | 3,329 | 8,466 | dm-do-adapter | DataObjects Adapter for DataMapper |
27 | 3,388 | 2,207 | hanami-utils | Hanami utilities |
28 | 3,652 | 2,972 | dry-system | Organize your code into reusable components |
29 | 3,713 | 9,790 | dm-validations | Library for performing validations on DM models and pure Ruby object |
30 | 3,763 | 11,183 | dm-serializer | DataMapper plugin for serializing Resources and Collections |
31 | 3,769 | 11,183 | dm-aggregates | DataMapper plugin providing support for aggregates on collections |
32 | 3,770 | 9,790 | dm-timestamps | DataMapper plugin for magical timestamps |
33 | 3,800 | 11,802 | dm-types | DataMapper plugin providing extra data types |
34 | 3,896 | 12,766 | dm-constraints | DataMapper plugin constraining relationships |
35 | 3,949 | 12,414 | dm-transactions | Makes transaction support available for adapters that support them |
36 | 4,273 | 14,685 | data_mapper | Faster, Better, Simpler. |
37 | 4,283 | 11,802 | dm-sqlite-adapter | Sqlite3 Adapter for DataMapper |
38 | 4,449 | 3,004 | dry-transformer | Data transformation toolkit |
39 | 4,458 | 5,344 | rom | Persistence and mapping toolkit for Ruby |
40 | 4,596 | 5,399 | rom-sql | SQL databases support for ROM |
41 | 4,606 | 5,373 | rom-repository | Repository abstraction for rom-rb |
42 | 4,842 | 4,309 | hanami-router | Rack compatible HTTP router for Ruby |
43 | 5,101 | 2,285 | hanami-cli | Hanami command line |
44 | 5,134 | 5,447 | hanami-validations | Validations mixin for Ruby objects and support for Hanami |
45 | 5,183 | 15,904 | dm-postgres-adapter | PostgreSQL Adapter for DataMapper |
46 | 5,464 | 5,417 | rom-core | Persistence and mapping toolkit for Ruby |
47 | 5,521 | 5,424 | hanami-controller | Complete, fast and testable actions for Rack |
48 | 5,580 | 5,414 | rom-changeset | rom-changeset adds support for preprocessing data on top of rom-rb repositories |
49 | 5,617 | 11,802 | rom-mapper | Standalone data mappers integrated with rom-rb |
50 | 5,819 | 5,556 | hanami | Hanami is a web framework for Ruby |
51 | 5,918 | 4,948 | dry-effects | Algebraic effects |
52 | 6,223 | 15,904 | dm-mysql-adapter | MySQL Adapter for DataMapper |
53 | 6,400 | 6,016 | hanami-view | A complete, standalone view rendering system that gives you everything you need to writ... |
54 | 6,754 | 6,543 | hanami-assets | Assets management for Ruby web applications |
55 | 6,840 | 6,954 | hanami-helpers | View helpers for Ruby applications |
56 | 6,905 | 6,910 | hanami-mailer | Mail for Ruby applications and Hanami mailers |
57 | 7,195 | 13,365 | datamapper | Faster, Better, Simpler. |
58 | 7,611 | 15,073 | hanami-model | A persistence framework with entities and repositories |
59 | 8,446 | 7,590 | rom-factory | ROM based builder library to make your specs awesome. DSL partially inspired by Factory... |
60 | 8,615 | 22,748 | dm-observer | DataMapper plugin for observing Resources |
61 | 9,435 | 18,606 | dm-active_model | A datamapper plugin for active_model compliance and thus rails 3 compatibility. |
62 | 9,585 | 19,631 | dm-ar-finders | DataMapper plugin providing ActiveRecord-style finders |
63 | 10,119 | 25,514 | dm-rails | Integrate DataMapper with Rails 3 |
64 | 10,262 | 15,073 | rom-support | Ruby Object Mapper - Support libraries |
65 | 11,362 | 22,748 | dm-is-tree | DataMapper plugin allowing the creation of tree structures from data models |
66 | 12,021 | 17,795 | dm-adjust | DataMapper plugin providing methods to increment and decrement properties |
67 | 12,411 | 19,631 | dry-component | Organize your code into reusable components |
68 | 12,648 | 15,073 | dm-sweatshop | DataMapper plugin for building pseudo random models |
69 | 12,901 | 11,416 | hanami-webconsole | Hanami webconsole for development |
70 | 12,964 | 16,444 | dry-web-roda | Roda integration for dry-web apps |
71 | 13,134 | 10,697 | dry-view | A complete, standalone view rendering system that gives you everything you need to writ... |
72 | 13,267 | 13,828 | roda-flow | This rubygem does not have a description or summary. |
73 | 13,764 | 14,685 | dm-cli | DataMapper plugin allowing interaction with models through a CLI |
74 | 14,455 | 20,907 | dry-web | Lightweight web application stack on top of dry-system |
75 | 14,490 | 30,565 | dm-tags | This package brings tagging to DataMapper. It is inspired by Acts As Taggable On by Mi... |
76 | 14,586 | 22,748 | axiom | Simplifies querying of structured data using relational algebra |
77 | 15,151 | 16,444 | dm-is-list | DataMapper plugin for creating and organizing lists |
78 | 15,306 | 45,525 | dm-is-state_machine | DataMapper plugin for creating state machines |
79 | 15,341 | 30,565 | rom-rails | Integrate Ruby Object Mapper with Rails |
80 | 15,502 | 10,789 | charlatan | Neat delegation for ruby objects |
81 | 15,644 | 7,777 | hanami-reloader | Code reloading for Hanami |
82 | 16,195 | 45,525 | dm-is-nested_set | DataMapper plugin allowing the creation of nested sets from data models |
83 | 16,552 | 45,525 | dm-rest-adapter | REST Adapter for DataMapper |
84 | 16,617 | 18,606 | dm-is-remixable | dm-is-remixable allow you to create reusable data functionality |
85 | 16,779 | 22,748 | dm-is-searchable | A DataMapper plugin for searching |
86 | 18,054 | 45,525 | dm-is-versioned | DataMapper plugin enabling simple versioning of models |
87 | 18,349 | 30,565 | rom-http | HTTP support for ROM |
88 | 19,276 | 45,525 | dry-system-rails | Railtie for dry-system |
89 | 20,667 | 22,748 | dm-ferret-adapter | Ferret Adapter for DataMapper |
90 | 21,473 | 11,416 | rom-yaml | YAML support for Ruby Object Mapper |
91 | 24,296 | 20,907 | hanami-api | Extremely fast and lightweight HTTP API |
92 | 24,535 | 45,525 | dm-yaml-adapter | YAML Adapter for DataMapper |
93 | 25,315 | 45,525 | carrierwave-datamapper | Datamapper support for CarrierWave |
94 | 28,461 | 45,525 | dry-data | Simple type-system for Ruby |
95 | 28,766 | 45,525 | dm-oracle-adapter | Oracle Adapter for DataMapper |
96 | 30,181 | 45,525 | dm-sqlserver-adapter | Microsoft SQL Server Adapter for DataMapper |
97 | 36,129 | 45,525 | ossy | Ossy is your ruby gem maintenance helper |
98 | 39,070 | 45,525 | rom-model | A small collection of extensions useful for data coercion and validation |
99 | 41,518 | 45,525 | rom-yesql | Yesql adapter for ROM |
100 | 43,219 | 30,565 | rom-mongo | MongoDB support for Ruby Object Mapper |
101 | 50,560 | 45,525 | axiom-memory-adapter | Use Axiom relations with an in-memory datastore |
102 | 51,866 | 45,525 | rom-elasticsearch | ROM adapter for Elasticsearch |
103 | 52,995 | 45,525 | rom-couchdb | CouchDB support for ROM |
104 | 57,235 | 45,525 | dm-taggings | DataMapper plugin providing taggable and tagger models |
105 | 59,561 | 45,525 | rom-event_store | Event Store support for Ruby Object Mapper |
106 | 62,001 | 25,514 | dm-mongo-adapter | MongoDB DataMapper Adapter |
107 | 62,760 | 30,565 | axiom-optimizer | Optimizes axiom relations |
108 | 66,422 | 45,525 | transflow | Business Transaction Flow DSL |
109 | 72,088 | 45,525 | rom-roda | Integrate Ruby Object Mapper with Roda |
110 | 79,500 | 45,525 | rom-csv | CSV support for Ruby Object Mapper |
111 | 83,070 | 45,525 | rom-neo4j | Neo4j graph relations for Ruby Object Mapper |
112 | 84,871 | 22,748 | rom-relation | Relation schema with mapping for ROM |
113 | 85,347 | 45,525 | rom-git | Git adapter for the rom-rb |
114 | 85,545 | 45,525 | dm-validations-ext | DataMapper plugin providing better error messages handling. |
115 | 86,503 | 45,525 | hanami-ujs | Hanami Unobtrusive JavaScript |
116 | 90,851 | 45,525 | dry-pipeline | Pipeline operator for callable objects |
117 | 104,705 | 45,525 | rom-session | Session for ROM |
118 | 115,254 | 45,525 | rom-json | JSON support for Ruby Object Mapper |
119 | 116,038 | 30,565 | rom-lotus | Integrate Ruby Object Mapper with Lotus |
120 | 154,490 | 45,525 | rom-rethinkdb | RethinkDB support for ROM |
121 | 156,641 | 45,525 | rodakase | Lightweight web application stack on top of Roda |
122 | 162,420 | 45,525 | hanami-auth | Authentication for Hanami |
123 | 163,312 | 45,525 | hanami-events | Hanami framework for events |
124 | 165,897 | 45,525 | hanami-webpack | Manage Hanami assets with Webpack |
125 | 174,995 | 45,525 | sql-composer | This rubygem does not have a description or summary. |
126 | 176,264 | 45,525 | pro-validation | Placeholder |
127 | 176,276 | 30,565 | pro-rom | Placeholder |