Solnic's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1231291ice_nineDeep Freeze Ruby Objects
2258218dry-coreA toolset of small support modules used throughout the dry-rb ecosystem
3287248dry-logicPredicate logic with rule composition
4288247dry-typesType system for Ruby supporting coercions, constraints and complex types like structs, ...
52961,022equalizerModule to define equality, equivalence and inspection methods
6297356dry-configurableA mixin to add configuration functionality to your classes
7352406coerciblePowerful, flexible and configurable coercion library. And nothing more.
8357419virtusAttributes on Steroids for Plain Old Ruby Objects
9361869dry-containerA simple, configurable object container implemented in Ruby
10367422axiom-typesDefine types with optional constraints for use within axiom and other libraries.
115931,368dry-equalizerModule to define equality, equivalence and inspection methods
12628545dry-validationValidation library
13651383dry-initializerDSL for declaring params and options of the initializer
14706453dry-schemadry-schema provides a DSL for defining schemas with keys and rules that should be appli...
151,0201,009dry-structTyped structs and value objects
161,2433,048adamantiumImmutable extensions to objects
171,4631,175dry-monadsCommon monads for Ruby
181,6171,596dry-auto_injectContainer-agnostic automatic constructor injection
191,647576dry-cliCommon framework to build command line interfaces with Ruby
201,9831,997dry-eventsPub/sub system
212,2181,985dry-matcherFlexible, expressive pattern matching for Ruby
222,4962,757dry-monitorMonitoring and instrumentation APIs
233,0043,892transprocTransform Ruby objects in functional style
243,0646,469dm-coreDataMapper core library
253,2189,507dm-migrationsDataMapper plugin for writing and speccing migrations
263,2797,251dm-do-adapterDataObjects Adapter for DataMapper
273,5774,053hanami-utilsHanami utilities
283,6289,701dm-validationsLibrary for performing validations on DM models and pure Ruby object
293,6633,298dry-systemOrganize your code into reusable components
303,69712,162dm-serializerDataMapper plugin for serializing Resources and Collections
313,69910,532dm-aggregatesDataMapper plugin providing support for aggregates on collections
323,7009,410dm-timestampsDataMapper plugin for magical timestamps
333,72911,164dm-typesDataMapper plugin providing extra data types
343,82911,291dm-constraintsDataMapper plugin constraining relationships
353,89311,425dm-transactionsMakes transaction support available for adapters that support them
364,22014,814data_mapperFaster, Better, Simpler.
374,22811,756dm-sqlite-adapterSqlite3 Adapter for DataMapper
384,4414,939romPersistence and mapping toolkit for Ruby
394,5303,251dry-transformerData transformation toolkit
404,5864,852rom-sqlSQL databases support for ROM
414,6014,917rom-repositoryRepository abstraction for rom-rb
424,8524,816hanami-routerRack compatible HTTP router for Ruby
435,08014,607dm-postgres-adapterPostgreSQL Adapter for DataMapper
445,1205,159hanami-validationsValidations mixin for Ruby objects and support for Hanami
455,4605,409rom-corePersistence and mapping toolkit for Ruby
465,5205,535hanami-controllerComplete, fast and testable actions for Rack
475,5447,701rom-mapperStandalone data mappers integrated with rom-rb
485,5735,422rom-changesetrom-changeset adds support for preprocessing data on top of rom-rb repositories
495,8275,974hanamiHanami is a web framework for Ruby
505,9525,825dry-effectsAlgebraic effects
516,13616,002dm-mysql-adapterMySQL Adapter for DataMapper
526,1526,887hanami-cliHanami command line
536,4016,782hanami-viewA complete, standalone view rendering system that gives you everything you need to writ...
546,7217,207hanami-assetsAssets management for Ruby web applications
556,7967,464hanami-helpersView helpers for Ruby applications
566,8477,470hanami-mailerMail for Ruby applications and Hanami mailers
577,09114,607datamapperFaster, Better, Simpler.
587,4698,112hanami-modelA persistence framework with entities and repositories
598,4687,746rom-factoryROM based builder library to make your specs awesome. DSL partially inspired by Factory...
608,48318,552dm-observerDataMapper plugin for observing Resources
619,29123,685dm-active_modelA datamapper plugin for active_model compliance and thus rails 3 compatibility.
629,45522,697dm-ar-findersDataMapper plugin providing ActiveRecord-style finders
639,97628,296dm-railsIntegrate DataMapper with Rails 3
6410,12526,429rom-supportRuby Object Mapper - Support libraries
6511,19523,685dm-is-treeDataMapper plugin allowing the creation of tree structures from data models
6611,83933,201dm-adjustDataMapper plugin providing methods to increment and decrement properties
6712,23418,552dry-componentOrganize your code into reusable components
6812,47136,846dm-sweatshopDataMapper plugin for building pseudo random models
6912,80713,428dry-web-rodaRoda integration for dry-web apps
7012,99012,010hanami-webconsoleHanami webconsole for development
7113,00015,236dry-viewA complete, standalone view rendering system that gives you everything you need to writ...
7213,13510,278roda-flowThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
7313,59119,640dm-cliDataMapper plugin allowing interaction with models through a CLI
7414,28213,319dry-webLightweight web application stack on top of dry-system
7514,29685,057dm-tagsThis package brings tagging to DataMapper. It is inspired by Acts As Taggable On by Mi...
7614,36924,992axiomSimplifies querying of structured data using relational algebra
7714,99560,350dm-is-listDataMapper plugin for creating and organizing lists
7815,12748,717dm-is-state_machineDataMapper plugin for creating state machines
7915,20628,296rom-railsIntegrate Ruby Object Mapper with Rails
8015,42313,428charlatanNeat delegation for ruby objects
8116,01485,057dm-is-nested_setDataMapper plugin allowing the creation of nested sets from data models
8216,3598,616hanami-reloaderCode reloading for Hanami
8316,37985,057dm-rest-adapterREST Adapter for DataMapper
8416,44433,201dm-is-remixabledm-is-remixable allow you to create reusable data functionality
8516,59585,057dm-is-searchableA DataMapper plugin for searching
8617,85485,057dm-is-versionedDataMapper plugin enabling simple versioning of models
8718,16715,008rom-httpHTTP support for ROM
8818,99785,057dry-system-railsRailtie for dry-system
8920,48485,057dm-ferret-adapterFerret Adapter for DataMapper
9021,60817,274rom-yamlYAML support for Ruby Object Mapper
9124,33660,350dm-yaml-adapterYAML Adapter for DataMapper
9224,35723,685hanami-apiExtremely fast and lightweight HTTP API
9325,00985,057carrierwave-datamapperDatamapper support for CarrierWave
9428,26985,057dry-dataSimple type-system for Ruby
9528,54985,057dm-oracle-adapterOracle Adapter for DataMapper
9629,95285,057dm-sqlserver-adapterMicrosoft SQL Server Adapter for DataMapper
9736,26785,057ossyOssy is your ruby gem maintenance helper
9838,78185,057rom-modelA small collection of extensions useful for data coercion and validation
9941,35460,350rom-yesqlYesql adapter for ROM
10042,87485,057rom-mongoMongoDB support for Ruby Object Mapper
10150,28485,057axiom-memory-adapterUse Axiom relations with an in-memory datastore
10251,62828,296rom-elasticsearchROM adapter for Elasticsearch
10352,81985,057rom-couchdbCouchDB support for ROM
10456,85785,057dm-taggingsDataMapper plugin providing taggable and tagger models
10559,38085,057rom-event_storeEvent Store support for Ruby Object Mapper
10661,62085,057dm-mongo-adapterMongoDB DataMapper Adapter
10762,39285,057axiom-optimizerOptimizes axiom relations
10866,16433,201transflowBusiness Transaction Flow DSL
10971,85385,057rom-rodaIntegrate Ruby Object Mapper with Roda
11079,26585,057rom-csvCSV support for Ruby Object Mapper
11182,82985,057rom-neo4jNeo4j graph relations for Ruby Object Mapper
11284,62060,350rom-relationRelation schema with mapping for ROM
11385,12785,057dm-validations-extDataMapper plugin providing better error messages handling.
11485,18260,350rom-gitGit adapter for the rom-rb
11586,54385,057hanami-ujsHanami Unobtrusive JavaScript
11690,55985,057dry-pipelinePipeline operator for callable objects
117104,39085,057rom-sessionSession for ROM
118114,97585,057rom-jsonJSON support for Ruby Object Mapper
119115,72685,057rom-lotusIntegrate Ruby Object Mapper with Lotus
120154,05685,057rom-rethinkdbRethinkDB support for ROM
121156,26485,057rodakaseLightweight web application stack on top of Roda
122162,10985,057hanami-authAuthentication for Hanami
123163,06560,350hanami-eventsHanami framework for events
124165,58085,057hanami-webpackManage Hanami assets with Webpack
125174,52360,350sql-composerThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.