Xentek's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
19,6996,395rake-benchmarkBenchmarks your rake tasks and automatically outputs the timing information after it co...
216,38737,537xendeployBuilding on the backs of Capistrano and Deprec, this is a collection of Recipes and oth...
317,517132,035dm-postgres-typesAdds support for native PostgreSQL datatypes, including JSON, HSTORE, and Array to Data...
420,68037,537hyperdriveRuby DSL for defining self-documenting, HATEOAS™ compliant, Hypermedia API endpoints.
555,931132,035daikuDaiku, japanese for carpenter, helps you craft lightweight ruby applications
658,74837,537castacheSimple structured object cache for ruby apps.
760,13937,537dm-pg-jsonAdds support for the JSON datatype (available in PostgreSQL 9.3+) to DataMapper
861,20037,537sinatra-g_authSinatra + oAuth via Google Apps
965,188132,035t_birdStraight forward file uploads for Ruby Apps. Decouple your uploads from your model.
1086,17537,537rack-body_classesDecorate your with CSS Classes indicating platform, browser, browser version, an...
1197,18325,520lobstrdeployments so easy, even a zoidberg can do it
1299,08037,537pika_qPikaQ makes working with Rabbit MQ easier. It provides a thin layer around Bunny, the ...
13151,66737,537rake-common_tasksCommon Rake Tasks