Seouri's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
145,69980,049meshcompleteMeshcomplete is a Ruby on Rails engine for MeSH autocomplete search box built with jQue...
250,66546,897eutilsLightweight Ruby API for NCBI Eutils. This gem only provides API for NCBI Eutils. If yo...
364,25622,141auth1Auth1 is a Rails Engine for Auth0. Auth1 provides everything you need to use Auth0 in y...
496,86280,049loadatloaddat is a Ruby on Rails Rake task that loads data in .dat into MySQL data...
5125,28680,049medvaneMedvane common library for accessing PubMed
6173,26580,049pricingRails Engine for your pricing page.
7174,466163,113suggestionSuggestion Rails Engine.