1 | 3,404 | 1,926 | workers | A Ruby gem for performing work in background threads. |
2 | 9,087 | 10,623 | market_bot | Market Bot is a high performance Ruby scraper for Google's Android Market with a simple... |
3 | 15,041 | 42,025 | officer | Officer is designed to help you coordinate distributed processes and avoid race conditi... |
4 | 20,862 | 53,556 | tribe | Actors based concurrency library for Ruby. |
5 | 23,918 | 86,038 | amf_socket | Ruby implementation of AMF Socket (https://github.com/chadrem/amf_socket) |
6 | 31,907 | 86,038 | fiona | Easily store and use template data with Rails. |
7 | 39,179 | 86,038 | tribe_em | Event driven network IO for the Tribe gem. |
8 | 39,280 | 53,556 | tribe_em_amfsocket | Amf Socket Ruby wrapper for Tribe EM. |
9 | 48,103 | 86,038 | spinal_tap | Backdoor into your long running ruby processes. |
10 | 48,219 | 86,038 | capistrano-releases | Auto scaling environments need a way to share the releases directory. This gem provides... |
11 | 54,312 | 86,038 | totem | Totem is a Ruby gem for creating Ruby projects. |
12 | 67,133 | 31,663 | cron_helper | Cron Helper adds addition features to cron jobs scheduled by the Whenever gem. |
13 | 98,557 | 53,556 | oskie_rpc | Simple easy to use transport agnostic RPC gem. |
14 | 101,184 | 86,038 | observation | Add an event system to any Ruby class. |
15 | 107,879 | 53,556 | raad_totem | Easily create daemons in Totem projects (fork of Raad gem) |
16 | 111,258 | 42,025 | totem_activerecord | Add an easy to use ORM to your Totem based applications. |
17 | 114,728 | 86,038 | filter_chain | Object oriented filter chain and filter collection. |
18 | 117,812 | 86,038 | reactomatic | A network library based on the reactor pattern. |