Chadrem's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
13,3661,761workersA Ruby gem for performing work in background threads.
29,1357,893market_botMarket Bot is a high performance Ruby scraper for Google's Android Market with a simple...
315,09011,055officerOfficer is designed to help you coordinate distributed processes and avoid race conditi...
420,92861,367tribeActors based concurrency library for Ruby.
523,99361,367amf_socketRuby implementation of AMF Socket (
632,01061,367fionaEasily store and use template data with Rails.
739,27961,367tribe_emEvent driven network IO for the Tribe gem.
839,36361,367tribe_em_amfsocketAmf Socket Ruby wrapper for Tribe EM.
948,22061,367spinal_tapBackdoor into your long running ruby processes.
1048,37661,367capistrano-releasesAuto scaling environments need a way to share the releases directory. This gem provides...
1154,38061,367totemTotem is a Ruby gem for creating Ruby projects.
1267,25461,367cron_helperCron Helper adds addition features to cron jobs scheduled by the Whenever gem.
1398,59529,456oskie_rpcSimple easy to use transport agnostic RPC gem.
14101,25329,456observationAdd an event system to any Ruby class.
15107,89261,367raad_totemEasily create daemons in Totem projects (fork of Raad gem)
16111,37261,367totem_activerecordAdd an easy to use ORM to your Totem based applications.
17114,84761,367filter_chainObject oriented filter chain and filter collection.
18117,92861,367reactomaticA network library based on the reactor pattern.