Stormbrew's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
119,86415,559http_parserThis gem provides a (hopefully) high quality http parser library that can build req...
245,92528,793cloudbridgeCloudBridge is a self-healing minimal-configuration bridge between front-end and backen...
356,61435,920jawsA Ruby web server designed to have a predictable and simple concurrency model, and to b...
459,99986,038rack-bridgeRack handler and other tools for communicating with a BRIDGE-capable server (like Cloud...
567,56386,038rack-jettyAllows you to use Jetty as a Rack adapter in JRuby. Compatible with rackup and rails' R...
687,88886,038fry-cookNot quite a chef yet, the fry cook knows only one menu.
795,55386,038user_inputProvides simple, convention-based, user input validation and coercion. Also provides a ...
8124,46086,038merb-cloudbridgeCloudBridge is a self-healing minimal-configuration bridge between front-end and backen...
9134,41053,556vagrant-carpetEnables Vagrant to provision with python fabric script.