Nolith's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
163,54163,432YubiRubyYubikey integration - Includes Prototypes for low-level Yubikey OTP functions witten...
272,62563,432eusplazioLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incidid...
395,02763,432mandrillameloParse a changelog and send it via mandrill
498,25741,916dependency_wiringDependency Wiring Tool
5100,07563,432mr2cbzDownloads manga from in CBZ format
6100,42130,305RubySocialClubA tool for writing beamer presentation containig ruby code examples
7111,66241,916f4w-rackA collection of rack middleware related to FACTS4WORKERS EU project
8119,57363,432oauth2-checkerJust a simple OAuth2 token info checker
9124,61463,432engage_my_pageengage engage
10135,87063,432bundler-gem-hgThis gem will allow you to develop gems using mercurial instead of git
11152,04741,916provazzaTest developing bundler-gem-hg
12158,60563,432hapi-helmAuto generated kubernetes helm library