Lanej's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1267406fog-awsThis library can be used as a module for `fog` or as standalone provider ...
23,0755,320ey-hmacLightweight HMAC signing libraries and middleware for Farday and Rack
35,79310,642engineyard-serversideA gem that deploys ruby applications on EY Cloud instances
48,34810,282fastly-railsCreates surrogate keys on ActiveRecord models, sets cache/surrogate headers, and adds a...
58,6098,638cisternAPI client framework extracted from Fog
69,63728,297zendesk2Zendesk V2 API client
710,65911,947rack-idempotentIdempotent Rack middleware
815,45913,494fastly_nsqHelper classes for Fastly's NSQ Services
936,92839,646you_trackYouTrack 6.x API Client
1049,90329,727pivotalA client for Pivotal Tracker.
1156,52153,263resque-appendResque plugin that prevents nested inline behavior
1260,104117,678system-timer19ease migration off of SystemTimer
1366,76053,263sysdigRuby Sysdig Cloud API Client
1471,65628,297criticResource authorization via PORO
1583,39277,965viaductBuild stuff with middlware.
1684,86468,530dynectSimple wrapper for Dynect SOAP API.
1797,72877,965nightcrawlerMinimal sharding solution for AR
18101,56568,530multi_headed_greek_monsterparallelize stuff
19102,22297,080rack-auditAsynchronously send requests to another system
21109,58968,530ey-loggerStandardized logging helpers for EngineYard
22119,55977,965brashBuild bash commands with Ruby
23122,34068,530contriveCook up anything, any way you like
24131,46577,965assembleCistern-based client for Rally Dev
25131,89597,080orphanLet your mock models get adopted by real ORMs
26138,24997,080idempotentIdempotency middleware for Rack::Client and Faraday