Davidczarnecki's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
14,2963,326forecast_ioforecast.io API wrapper in Ruby
25,9127,077leaderboardLeaderboards backed by Redis in Ruby
38,45710,120hipchat-apiRuby gem for interacting with HipChat
49,06114,989brightcove-apiRuby gem for interacting with the Brightcove media API. http://docs.brightcove.com/en/m...
511,58111,818stacheA Rails 3.x and Rails 4.x compatible Mustache/Handlebars template handler
613,06118,677bettertabsBettertabs is a Rails 3.1+ engine that adds a helper and jQuery plugin to define the ma...
713,92719,712activity_feedActivity feeds backed by Redis
822,07660,164redis_paginationSimple pagination for Redis lists and sorted sets.
923,07124,763amicoRelationships (e.g. friendships) backed by Redis
1040,73231,961darkskyRuby gem for retrieving data from the Dark Sky API
1141,79885,863gamertagA wrapper for the XboxLeaders API
1243,76838,253sidekiq-reset_statisticsAdds a tab to your Sidekiq dashboard to allow you to reset Sidekiq statistics
1344,77031,961halo-reach-apiRuby gem for interacting with the Halo:Reach API
1459,28385,863streakStreak is a gem for calculating win/loss streaks
1561,11138,253vindicia-apiA wrapper for creating queries to the Vindicia CashBox API
1668,78485,863improved_loggingAdds improved logging capabilities to the ActiveSupport::BufferedLogger class
1769,20785,863syncacheSynCache stores cached objects in a Hash that is protected by an advanced two-level loc...
1875,79749,460constant-redefinitionAllows you to define constants if not defined on an object and redefine constants witho...
1996,27185,863tastyRuby library for interacting with del.icio.us
20100,16785,863silver_spoonEntitlements in Redis
21112,89960,164betaGem to handle multiple common cases of beta rollout
22122,43660,164coffee_beanA ruby gem for kickstarting a CoffeeScript project
23131,03385,863punchrRuby gem for interacting with the Punchfork API