1 | 20,059 | 8,124 | onload_js-rails | Lets you easily run JavaScript based on the current controller#action. |
2 | 21,983 | 8,278 | attribute_boolean | A gem for adding attr_boolean to objects, assigning by various 'falsey' values |
3 | 28,759 | 61,367 | blendris | A redis library for Ruby |
4 | 40,655 | 61,367 | xmlstats | A ruby client for xmlstats (https://erikberg.com/api). |
5 | 51,387 | 61,367 | actioncontroller-parameter_filter | A gem to easily filter out unwanted parameters in ActionController. |
6 | 55,085 | 61,367 | commerce-bank-client | An interface to the Commerce Bank website (https://banking.commercebank.com). |
7 | 62,159 | 61,367 | podcastinator | A ruby library for generating podcast feeds from a source or via an API. |
8 | 81,040 | 61,367 | redis-diff_match_patch | This library will allow you to perform atomic diffs, patches and merges on Redis strings. |
9 | 106,789 | 61,367 | delayed_job-ssh_remote_worker | Provides a few rake tasks to run DelayedJob jobs on a remote server over SSH |
10 | 120,921 | 61,367 | file-stash | A utility to get rid of files that are no longer interesting without deleting them. |
11 | 126,461 | 61,367 | wunderground-api | Provides a simple interface to retrieve weather information from Weather Underground. |
12 | 127,129 | 61,367 | quick-bundler | A gem that provides dead-simple usage of bundler. |
13 | 131,655 | 61,367 | remove_white_border | This is a command line tool for removing the white border around an image, often create... |
14 | 133,399 | 41,086 | parameter_filter | A gem to easily filter out unwanted parameters in ActionController. |