Theaemadrid's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
113,3929,902orientdbSimple JRuby wrapper for the OrientDB.
221,87917,416bd_moneyThis library makes it easier to deal with Money values, storing them as BigDecimal to a...
331,66215,742rubyhazeRubyHaze is a little gem that wraps the Java Hazelcast library into a more comfortable ...
435,96618,171hazelcast-clientHazelcast::Client is a little gem that wraps the Java Hazelcast Client library into a m...
536,63558,808electedSelect a leader through a Redis lock and keep it for a time.
637,20318,171hazelcast-jarsAll the necessary Hazelcast jars in one place
846,28519,942orientdb-arActive Model wrappers to persist Ruby objects under OrientDB in JRuby.
952,72189,538elected_schedulerRun code blocks at scheduled times (seconds, minutes, hours, etc.) only on elected lead...
1058,33447,536aba_numbersGet a list of Federal Reserve E-Payments Routing Directory
1171,40525,774rubyhaze-persistedHave your in-mempry distributed JRuby objects and search them too.
1274,41089,538sequel_orderableSequel Plugin
13127,86089,538jdbc-orientdbInstall this gem and require 'orientdb' within JRuby to load the driver.
14134,78289,538trinidad_sidekiq_extensionRuns Sidekiq workers within the Trinidad application server