1 | 13,397 | 53,556 | orientdb | Simple JRuby wrapper for the OrientDB. |
2 | 22,452 | 53,556 | bd_money | This library makes it easier to deal with Money values, storing them as BigDecimal to a... |
3 | 30,495 | 86,038 | rubyhaze | RubyHaze is a little gem that wraps the Java Hazelcast library into a more comfortable ... |
4 | 34,971 | 26,609 | hazelcast-client | Hazelcast::Client is a little gem that wraps the Java Hazelcast Client library into a m... |
5 | 36,007 | 22,512 | hazelcast-jars | All the necessary Hazelcast jars in one place |
6 | 37,600 | 86,038 | elected | Select a leader through a Redis lock and keep it for a time. |
7 | 44,451 | 86,038 | orientdb-ar | Active Model wrappers to persist Ruby objects under OrientDB in JRuby. |
8 | 46,597 | 53,556 | couchbase_model_logging | ditto |
9 | 51,452 | 14,661 | aba_numbers | Get a list of Federal Reserve E-Payments Routing Directory |
10 | 53,615 | 86,038 | elected_scheduler | Run code blocks at scheduled times (seconds, minutes, hours, etc.) only on elected lead... |
11 | 68,525 | 53,556 | rubyhaze-persisted | Have your in-mempry distributed JRuby objects and search them too. |
12 | 75,637 | 86,038 | sequel_orderable | Sequel Plugin |
13 | 129,124 | 53,556 | jdbc-orientdb | Install this gem and require 'orientdb' within JRuby to load the driver. |
14 | 136,305 | 86,038 | trinidad_sidekiq_extension | Runs Sidekiq workers within the Trinidad application server |