Watson's Gems

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#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
18721,427rmagickRMagick is an interface between Ruby and ImageMagick.
23,3803,091gruffBeautiful graphs for one or multiple datasets. Can be used on websites or in documents.
311,0979,056motion-cocoapodsmotion-cocoapods allows RubyMotion projects to have access to the CocoaPods dependency ...
419,16912,065motion-yamlmotion-yaml provides methods to access "YAML Ain't Markup Language" for RubyMotion proj...
521,15041,086webstubEasily stub out HTTP responses in RubyMotion specs
627,96214,600motion-addressbookA RubyMotion wrapper around the iOS & OSX Address Book frameworks
730,44212,946motion-gamemotion-game allows you to write cross-platform native mobile games in Ruby.
830,97418,157motion-testflightmotion-testflight allows RubyMotion projects to easily embed the TestFlight SDK and be ...
945,32618,157motion-deploygateDeployGate integration for RubyMotion iOS/Android projects
1045,57218,157motion-appstoreThis is RubyMotion plugin which provides commands deal with iTunes Connect.
1151,35418,157motion-flowmotion-flow allows you to write cross-platform native mobile apps...
1254,01021,627motion-pixate-observerThis gem provides a function that you changes css files, apply changes into your applic...
1370,76920,275mini_paperclipSubset from paperclip because paperclip has deprecated
1497,67329,456motion-listThis is RubyMotion plugin which provides various lists.
15110,94241,086motion-benchmarkBenchmark library for RubyMotion
16111,38861,367iliosCassandra driver written by C language
17116,04133,893motion-benchmark-ipsProvides iteration per second benchmarking for RubyMotion
18140,61741,086motion-ppPretty-printer for RubyMotion objects.
19146,45841,086motion-parallelmotion-parallel is parallel iterations for RubyMotion
20155,49341,086motion-dateThis is RubyMotion library which provides methods of Date/DateTime/Time which are same ...