1 | 8,116 | 9,193 | volt | A reactive Ruby web framework where your Ruby code runs on both the server and the clie... |
2 | 22,052 | 28,543 | thor-ssh | Makes it so you can set a remote destination for thor's actions (via ssh/sftp) |
3 | 26,527 | 35,677 | volt-fields | Provides controls for text and textarea fields with built in error reporting and bootst... |
4 | 30,829 | 59,086 | volt-user_templates | Volt user templates provide out of the box templates for users to signup, login, and lo... |
5 | 32,844 | 28,543 | volt-bootstrap | Twitter Bootstrap for the volt framework |
6 | 39,342 | 35,677 | pawnee | Pawnee attempts to build a better server provisioning system |
7 | 43,713 | 59,086 | stair_car | StairCar is a fully featured matrix library for jruby (think matlab or numpy) |
8 | 45,306 | 35,677 | volt-editable-text | Volt component that gives a :editable-text control which shows text, and lets you edit ... |
9 | 46,158 | 28,543 | volt-mongo | Mongo database drivers for volt |
10 | 53,306 | 35,677 | volt-mailer | A simple way to send e-mail from within a Volt app. |
11 | 55,056 | 28,543 | volt-google-maps | A google maps component for Volt |
12 | 55,800 | 59,086 | volt-pagination | A Volt component that provides a :pagination tag |
13 | 57,311 | 59,086 | volt-user-templates | Volt user templates provide out of the box templates for users to signup, login, and lo... |
14 | 58,483 | 59,086 | volt-bootstrap-jumbotron-theme | Basic jumbotron theme for volt when using bootstrap |
15 | 59,943 | 59,086 | volt-google_maps | A google maps component for Volt |
16 | 60,132 | 59,086 | volt-sql | sql database drivers for volt |
17 | 76,604 | 59,086 | snapmon | Provides an interface to configure monitoring via snapmon.com from a config file. |
18 | 83,720 | 28,543 | volt-browser_irb | A simple console that runs opal in the browser |
19 | 97,978 | 59,086 | volt-sockjs | SockJS is a WebSocket emulation library. It means that you use the WebSocket API, only ... |
20 | 98,492 | 59,086 | volt-bootstrap_jumbotron_theme | Basic jumbotron theme for volt when using bootstrap |
21 | 109,729 | 59,086 | volt-bootflat | Bootflat Bootstrap theme for Volt framework |
22 | 112,720 | 59,086 | volt-code_highlight | Simple code highlighting component in volt |
23 | 114,852 | 59,086 | volt-datepicker | A field which shows a datepicker when focused |
24 | 116,780 | 59,086 | volt-redis_message_bus | A message bus strategy for Volt using redis |
25 | 117,957 | 59,086 | samplerbenvissue | Demo of a rbenv issue I'm having |
26 | 118,112 | 59,086 | volt-image_resizer | A gem that provides an image resizing service with optional amazon cloudfront caching |
27 | 118,240 | 35,677 | volt-s3_uploader | A direct to s3 file uploader |
28 | 154,715 | 59,086 | volt-daterange | Volt wrapper for daterangepicker (bootstrap date picker) |