Jcasts's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
112,60246,777kronkKronk is a command line swiss-army-knife for HTTP services. With Kronk, you easily par...
226,142117,678sunshineSunshine is a framework for rack and rails application deployment. This gem was made p...
333,621117,678ginGin is a small Ruby web framework, built on Rack, which borrows from Sinatra expressive...
440,39053,263yakYak is a simple command line app to store and retrieve passwords securely under a maste...
549,645117,678lwes-loggerLwes based ruby logger for real-time logging.
657,101117,678ruby-pathSimple path-based search and lookup for Ruby.
787,56177,965faceoffA scraper to backup your facebook account (albums, photos, notes, users, video). Why a ...
896,16577,965blamlBlaml is a parser based on Psych (ruby 1.9 only) for yaml files that have been blamed w...
996,424117,678nutshellA light weight ssh client that wraps the ssh and rsync commands.
1099,815117,678selective_bindingCreate Bindings with selective mappings to an object's methods and attributes.
11117,96577,965chubChub is both a client and server configuration hub for applications that need to share ...
12121,064117,678kiwiFIX (describe your package)
13122,01377,965benchrbSimple command line benchmarking for Ruby
14125,851117,678kepiSimple Rack-based service API definition and documentation support. Kepi was made possi...
15132,680117,678trbAn exploratory alternative to rake.