Namxam's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
126,21861,367adcloudThis is the official adcloud API gem. If you have any problems or requests please conta...
227,06861,367architect4rThis gem is intended for making a neo4j graph db accessible by providing a ruby wrapper...
355,02161,367iban_calculatorAt the moment the gem is just a wrapper for the API.
465,71361,367sepa_clearerThis gem maintains a list of all RPS SEPA clearers available via the Deutsche Bundesbank.
589,63833,893namxam-carmenA fork of the carmen gem by Jim Benton. This fork allows you to switch between dif...
6102,21861,367key_value_loggingKeyValue based replacement for rails TaggedLogging
7122,49641,086namxam-ts-delayed-deltaManage delta indexes via Delayed Job for Thinking Sphinx (including fix for bundler)
8123,40841,086namxam-authlogicFork of the latest authlogic code (should be working with rails3).
9124,59141,086namxam-rfgraphRuby wrapper for Facebook Graph API
10126,06841,086namxam-backupBackup is a Ruby Gem written for Unix and Ruby on Rails (2 and 3) environments. It can ...
11130,22361,367checkitA little tool to check the your ruby project dependencies
12159,44941,086namxam-deviseFlexible authentication solution for Rails with Warden