Tjbladez's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
15,8617,246translitTransliteration between cyrillic <-> latin | Транслитерация между кириллицей и латиницей
223,74086,038autoconfigAutomated way to create flexible configuration structures representing your YAML config...
324,33717,852acts_as_eloProvides sophisticated yet easy to understand ranking system with minimum changes to th...
440,16886,038blast_mavens_multiplayerBlast Mavens Multiplayer is 2D game written in ruby using gosu inspired by bomberman (c...
548,22686,038quoteAwesome quotes - maintain them, get them conviniently from command line
655,96186,038comradefyWaтcн уoцr laпgцagэ, comradэ