#43982's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
18,74417,444remarkableRemarkable: a framework for rspec matchers, with support to macros and I18n.
29,64317,852remarkable_activerecordRemarkable ActiveRecord: collection of matchers and macros with I18n for ActiveRecord
312,25828,793remarkable_railsRemarkable Rails: collection of matchers and macros with I18n for Rails
413,70386,038remarkable_activemodelRemarkable ActiveModel: collection of matchers and macros with I18n for ActiveModel
554,75442,025knife-cookbook-utilsPrune and manage your cookbooks
656,82386,038rletUse rspec's let() outside of rspec with concerns and functional operators
758,41386,038sparkfly-foreignerAllows you to add foreign keys to your migrations and enforce them
883,25435,920kaminoClone your development stack. Develop in a sandbox. Version your operating system depen...
997,74886,038roundhouse-xRound-robin load-balanced background processing for Ruby.
10103,71542,025intermodalDSL for top-level, nested, linked CRUD resource endpoints; DSL for Presenters and Accep...
11146,36986,038cloudformation-dslRuby DSL library that provides a wrapper around the CloudFormation.
12156,27053,556matsuriFramework and toolkit to build a dev environment using Docker and Kubernetes
13159,53886,038functional_interactorFunctional Interactor using Kase protocol and composition operators
14159,74453,556hosh-kaseA tool to parse [:ok, result]-like return values