Curtisjennings's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
15,4679,506pbkdf2-rubyThis implementation conforms to RFC 2898, and has been tested using the test vectors in...
217,12686,038ruby-confrubyconf is a ruby configuration dsl that aims to make it simple to write and read conf...
318,62235,920acts_as_status_forGiven a list of datetime _at attributes allow an activerecord object to query status, c...
428,41586,038simple_update_fieldYour resources text attributes will gain inplace update ability with keybindings for qu...
543,43586,038weasel-the-memory-watcherDedicated to my dead cat and
648,94986,038devise-naught_authenticationA Routable, but not authenticatable devise module - useful for creating api authenticat...
783,47786,038rspec-rails-w-factory_girlBehaviour Driven Development for Ruby on Rails.