Florian-hanke's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,3091,826phonyFast international phone number (E164 standard) normalizing, splitting and formatting. ...
25,69519,502pickyFast Ruby semantic text search engine with comfortable single field interface.
36,11130,732picky-clientPicky Client
46,62257,505picky-generatorsGenerators for Picky.
56,73812,509picky-statisticsStatistics interface for Picky, the fast Ruby search engine.
66,80015,664picky-liveLive parameters interface for Picky, the fast Ruby search engine.
711,64130,732gosu_extensionsDefault extensions built onto the popular Gosu Framework. Uses Chipmunk for game physic...
813,77930,732flounderFlounder is the missing piece between the database and your Ruby code. It allows v...
919,87757,505jamesModular Electronic Butler. Using a simple dialog system where you can easily add more d...
1030,53257,505view_modelsThe missing R to the Rails MVC
1138,88957,505bocusebocuse teaches chef-solo a few tricks. A strict front-end to chef-solo, it reads a...
12105,23457,505wadSince we're all following very strict standards with regards to how our gems are c...
13126,74357,505squealSimple object instantiation recorder.
14150,03630,732cocoapods-humusCocoaPods database helper gem.