Phifty's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
126,62057,505agraphThe gem provides a client for the AllegroGraph 4.x RDF graph database. Features like se...
229,77030,732gomCore package of the General Object Mapper.
329,97722,984gom-couchdb-adapterCouchDB storage adapter for the General Object Mapper. Current versions of CouchDB are ...
431,42430,732holoserveThis tool can be used to fake webservice APIs for testing proposals.
533,13357,505couchmodelCouchModel provides an interface to easly handle CouchDB documents. It also comes with ...
635,04657,505couchdbA straight-forward client for CouchDB REST API. The resources exposed by the API are si...
738,68757,505transportProvide a single command interface to perform http/json requests. A spec helper to perf...
839,71257,505holoserve-connectorProvides a client for the control interface of holoserve and some RSpec matchers.
941,61657,505gom-filesystem-adapterFilesystem storage adapter for the General Object Mapper. Currently just read-only stor...
1064,94657,505moonA simple rack application library - alpha release.
1165,85157,505configureIt provides a single-method interface that receives a block and returns well-structured...
1275,28557,505gom-elasticsearch-adapterElasticSearch adapter for the General Object Mapper. Current versions of ElasticSearch ...