1 | 26,620 | 57,505 | agraph | The gem provides a client for the AllegroGraph 4.x RDF graph database. Features like se... |
2 | 29,770 | 30,732 | gom | Core package of the General Object Mapper. |
3 | 29,977 | 22,984 | gom-couchdb-adapter | CouchDB storage adapter for the General Object Mapper. Current versions of CouchDB are ... |
4 | 31,424 | 30,732 | holoserve | This tool can be used to fake webservice APIs for testing proposals. |
5 | 33,133 | 57,505 | couchmodel | CouchModel provides an interface to easly handle CouchDB documents. It also comes with ... |
6 | 35,046 | 57,505 | couchdb | A straight-forward client for CouchDB REST API. The resources exposed by the API are si... |
7 | 38,687 | 57,505 | transport | Provide a single command interface to perform http/json requests. A spec helper to perf... |
8 | 39,712 | 57,505 | holoserve-connector | Provides a client for the control interface of holoserve and some RSpec matchers. |
9 | 41,616 | 57,505 | gom-filesystem-adapter | Filesystem storage adapter for the General Object Mapper. Currently just read-only stor... |
10 | 64,946 | 57,505 | moon | A simple rack application library - alpha release. |
11 | 65,851 | 57,505 | configure | It provides a single-method interface that receives a block and returns well-structured... |
12 | 75,285 | 57,505 | gom-elasticsearch-adapter | ElasticSearch adapter for the General Object Mapper. Current versions of ElasticSearch ... |