1 | 31,265 | 22,021 | refinerycms-calendar | Ruby on Rails Calendar extension for Refinery CMS |
2 | 31,603 | 40,267 | heroku_backup_task | Automate your Heroku backups. Many thanks & kudos to David for writing this gem. |
3 | 32,449 | 28,212 | writer | Easily start a new file to write in. |
4 | 35,284 | 29,723 | refinerycms-search | Provides extra functionality for searching your frontend website using Refinery CMS. |
5 | 35,699 | 20,803 | rehearsal | Quickly add Staging Env. HTTP basic auth to your project |
6 | 56,666 | 47,929 | iremix-ruby | A ruby wrapper for the iRemix API |
7 | 64,293 | 147,291 | eader | Parse ead documents |
8 | 88,957 | 107,887 | reverse_chronic | This rubygem does not have a description or summary. |
9 | 101,971 | 60,549 | pubdraft | Quickly add publish/draft state to your ActiveRecord models |
10 | 103,972 | 84,493 | sortables | Easily add sorting by an integer field on your ActiveRecord models |
11 | 110,788 | 71,169 | webrtc_rails | See summary. |
12 | 128,566 | 147,291 | dude_weak | A simple Week class based on ActiveSupport Time Calculations |
13 | 162,063 | 147,291 | lexhub | Hi Haters |
14 | 163,986 | 147,291 | cokehead | This gem will aggregate dearcoketalk.com posts and make them fulltext searchable becaus... |