1 | 5,463 | 3,795 | nsq-ruby | Ruby client library for NSQ |
2 | 6,075 | 6,931 | sendgrid_toolkit | A Ruby wrapper and utility library for communicating with the Sendgrid API. |
3 | 6,834 | 6,081 | wistia-api | A ruby library for working with Wistia's data API. |
4 | 11,399 | 22,467 | akismetor | Spam protection with Akismet and Typepad |
5 | 30,210 | 22,467 | nsq-cluster | Setup nsqd, nsqlookupd, and nsqadmin in a jiffy. Great for testing! |
6 | 35,189 | 59,086 | cavalcade | Resque can be very useful outside of a web app, too. What if you want to write jobs in ... |
7 | 42,194 | 35,677 | middle_management | Middle Management hires and fires your delayed_job workers automatically so that you ge... |
8 | 42,224 | 35,677 | readonce | Creates readonce entries and provides a token URL. |
9 | 51,553 | 59,086 | wistia-uploader | A simple CLI uploader for Wistia users. |
10 | 86,425 | 59,086 | tickr_client | A Ruby Client for interacting with a Tickr server |