Freerobby's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
15,4633,795nsq-rubyRuby client library for NSQ
26,0756,931sendgrid_toolkitA Ruby wrapper and utility library for communicating with the Sendgrid API.
36,8346,081wistia-apiA ruby library for working with Wistia's data API.
411,39922,467akismetorSpam protection with Akismet and Typepad
530,21022,467nsq-clusterSetup nsqd, nsqlookupd, and nsqadmin in a jiffy. Great for testing!
635,18959,086cavalcadeResque can be very useful outside of a web app, too. What if you want to write jobs in ...
742,19435,677middle_managementMiddle Management hires and fires your delayed_job workers automatically so that you ge...
842,22435,677readonceCreates readonce entries and provides a token URL.
951,55359,086wistia-uploaderA simple CLI uploader for Wistia users.
1086,42559,086tickr_clientA Ruby Client for interacting with a Tickr server