#44169's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
14,28512,281barberHandlebars precompilation
24,61617,333ember-railsEmber for Rails 3.1+
315,68213,858phonerPhone number parsing, validation and formatting.
416,81241,086rasputinEmber.js for the Rails asset pipeline.
536,92461,367grape-middleware-logrageLogging middleware for the Grape framework, that uses Lograge
637,13061,367chinchillaMocha ruby test runner
743,90061,367rochaRSpec reporter for mocha
871,59661,367eggplantEggplant is a Sinatra web app that reads simple markdown files for a presentation.
994,36861,367restbooksRestbooks is a client library for feedbooks.com api
1099,44261,367rasputin-juiSproutCore 2.0 jQuery UI wrapper for Rails asset pipeline.