1 | 13,407 | 40,936 | acts_as_label | This acts_as extension implements a system label and a friendly label on a class and ce... |
2 | 17,465 | 29,289 | err_supply | Simple, beautiful error messages for Rails. Err_supply unpacks and rekeys the standard ... |
3 | 18,149 | 35,616 | acts_as_list_with_sti_support | This acts_as extension does everything acts_as_list does, but it also works in single t... |
4 | 24,797 | 19,401 | kenny_dialoggins | Kenny Dialoggins allows you to include scriptaculous dialogs in Rails applications usin... |
5 | 46,344 | 107,996 | michael_hintbuble | Michael HintBuble allows you to generate hint bubbles and tooltips in Rails application... |
6 | 51,880 | 107,996 | acts_as_current | This acts_as extension modifies ActiveRecord classes so they can carry a reference to t... |
7 | 62,925 | 66,011 | tiny_navigation | TinyNavigation makes it easy to define site navigation using a small DSL. |
8 | 66,369 | 66,011 | delayed_form_observer | Delayed Form Observer provides Rails with timed form observers that do not create race ... |
9 | 116,196 | 107,996 | active_record_sampler_platter | Adds Array-style :sample methods to ActiveRecord objects |