#44196's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
112,63211,290cubicleCubicle provides a dsl and aggregation caching framework for automating the generation,...
233,93558,808mm_partial_updatePartial updates for MongoMapper
338,98622,311wonkavisionMessaging support library
442,34828,086amqp_directory_broadcasterRead messages from a directory and send them to an AMQP exchange
542,81458,808rufirmataA Ruby port of pyFirmata, software for interfacing with firmata-enabled microcontrollers
643,64628,086bunniculaBunnicula is a simple AMQP relay implemented as a ruby daemon (a-la daemon-kit). Simila...
751,28058,808mm_dirtierEven dirtier dirty tracking for MongoMapper
869,86858,808observablesObservable arrays and hashes
996,12135,144tritechASCII Import/Export in Tritech Amazon format