Thetron's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
17,90820,954mongoid-enumHeavily inspired by DDH's ActiveRecord::Enum, this little library is there to help you ...
216,16536,292css3buttonsRails helper methods and generators for the css3buttons by Michael Henriksen.
319,65936,292mongoid_tokenMongoid token is a gem for creating random, unique tokens for mongoid documents. Highly...
445,23960,752menumaticMenumatic is a Rails 3 gem which simplifies the development of complex website navigati...
561,055107,759ausburbsA simple gem for accesssing basic data about suburbs across Australia, including latitu...
673,73192,362komodoKomodo is a simple wrapper that allows you to scale on-demand the number of delayed_job...
777,89977,363stately_scopesI've found that when developing Rails apps, I tend to almost always pair each scope wit...
8119,882139,268giftGift provides a simple interface for pushing your site to a server that does not suppor...
9128,510139,268mongoid_publishableThis gem adds some fields, scopes and methods to simplify and declutter your models tha...