1 | 3,864 | 3,348 | ffi-geos | An ffi wrapper for GEOS, a C++ port of the Java Topology Suite (JTS). |
2 | 12,750 | 8,936 | gd2-ffij | gd2-ffij is a refactoring of the Ruby/GD2 library implemented with FFI |
3 | 14,671 | 42,025 | activerecord-postgresql-extensions | A whole bunch of extensions the ActiveRecord PostgreSQL adapter. |
4 | 18,411 | 17,444 | geos-extensions | Extensions for the GEOS library. |
5 | 23,961 | 22,512 | activerecord-postgresql-cursors | Provides some support for PostgreSQL cursors in ActiveRecord. |
6 | 25,698 | 28,793 | webhookr | Webhookr - easily and securely add webhooks to your Rails app. |
7 | 32,423 | 17,070 | active-profiling | A Rails profiling suite. |
8 | 38,109 | 86,038 | webhookr-mailchimp | A webhookr extension to support Mailchimp webhooks. |
9 | 43,279 | 86,038 | activerecord-spatial | ActiveRecord Spatial gives AR the ability to work with PostGIS columns. |
10 | 51,257 | 17,852 | browscapper | A browscap file parser and matcher. |
11 | 64,519 | 19,470 | geoip-extensions | Extensions to the GeoIP library. |
12 | 80,379 | 86,038 | cryptopp | cryptopp is a cryptographic library for Ruby built on Wei Dai's Crypto++. |
13 | 88,669 | 86,038 | ffi-proj4 | An ffi wrapper for the PROJ.4 Cartographic Projections library. |
14 | 134,224 | 86,038 | ncsa-parser | A simple NCSA-style log file parser. |
15 | 155,799 | 86,038 | ffi-geoip | An ffi wrapper for GeoIP |