Dark-panda's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
13,8643,348ffi-geosAn ffi wrapper for GEOS, a C++ port of the Java Topology Suite (JTS).
212,7508,936gd2-ffijgd2-ffij is a refactoring of the Ruby/GD2 library implemented with FFI
314,67142,025activerecord-postgresql-extensionsA whole bunch of extensions the ActiveRecord PostgreSQL adapter.
418,41117,444geos-extensionsExtensions for the GEOS library.
523,96122,512activerecord-postgresql-cursorsProvides some support for PostgreSQL cursors in ActiveRecord.
625,69828,793webhookrWebhookr - easily and securely add webhooks to your Rails app.
732,42317,070active-profilingA Rails profiling suite.
838,10986,038webhookr-mailchimpA webhookr extension to support Mailchimp webhooks.
943,27986,038activerecord-spatialActiveRecord Spatial gives AR the ability to work with PostGIS columns.
1051,25717,852browscapperA browscap file parser and matcher.
1164,51919,470geoip-extensionsExtensions to the GeoIP library.
1280,37986,038cryptoppcryptopp is a cryptographic library for Ruby built on Wei Dai's Crypto++.
1388,66986,038ffi-proj4An ffi wrapper for the PROJ.4 Cartographic Projections library.
14134,22486,038ncsa-parserA simple NCSA-style log file parser.
15155,79986,038ffi-geoipAn ffi wrapper for GeoIP