#44224's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,8061,792carrierwave-awsUse aws-sdk for S3 support in CarrierWave
23,0025,766readthisPooled active support compliant caching with redis
324,45261,114deweyLight, simple Google Docs library for Ruby.
429,53061,114perforatedIntellgent json collection caching
533,78561,114fragmenterFragmentize and rebuild data
643,40023,042crosscounterFunctionally create cross tabulations
750,86521,503flippantFast feature toggling for applications
853,57261,114knucklesSimple performance aware data serialization
994,70461,114despondersA stack of light-weight responders tailored to JSON APIs
10138,12461,114nugeUniform interface for pushing notifications to multiple clients
11141,01261,114neutrinoAn uploader library that embraces modularity and rejects magick
12152,64961,114remenvDatabase backed environment management