Did's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
15,0826,038mongo_session_storeRails session stores for Mongoid, or any other ODM. Rails 4 compatible.
29,80712,022custom_fieldsManage custom fields to a Mongoid document or a collection. This module is one of the c...
39,8306,577actionmailer-with-requestLet's ActionMailer know about the request context to avoid having to set a number of de...
410,06312,462locomotive_cmsLocomotiveCMS is a next generation CMS system with sexy admin tools, liquid templating,...
510,85112,389locomotivecms_wagonWagon is a site generator for the LocomotiveCMS engine
612,24712,903locomotivecms_steamThe LocomotiveCMS Steam is the rendering stack used by both Wagon and Engine
712,54522,398activesearchORM agnostic full text search
813,40319,639bushidoA module for integrating the Bushido platform into a rails app
915,14618,614locomotivecms_mounterMount any LocomotiveCMS site, from a template on the filesystem, a zip file or even an ...
1015,77718,614locomotivecms_coalThe LocomotiveCMS Coal is the API ruby client for the LocomotiveCMS platform
1117,19424,395locomotivecms_commonThe LocomotiveCMS Common is a shared libraries package
1217,35716,356locomotivecmsLocomotive is designed to save your time and help you focus on what matters: front-end ...
1318,11632,832locomotivecms-solidThe Solid gem from the TigerLily team but modified to work with LocomotiveCMS
1418,81436,292locomotivecms-liquidA secure, non-evaling end user template engine with aesthetic markup.
1520,11669,337locomotive_liquidA secure, non-evaling end user template engine with aesthetic markup. Extended with liq...
1620,99350,275locomotive-aloha-railsSeamlessly integrates Aloha Editor into the Rails 3.2 asset pipeline.
1721,58450,275locomotive-tinymce-railsSeamlessly integrates TinyMCE into the Rails 3.1 asset pipeline.
1823,28626,749locomotivecms-searchLocomotiveSearch is an engine which integrates ActiveSearch into LocomotiveCMS.
1933,89660,752locomotive_mongoid_acts_as_treePort of the old, venerable ActsAsTree with a bit of a twist
2038,366107,759locomotivecms_solidThe Solid gem from the TigerLily team but modified to work with LocomotiveCMS
2143,69655,921locomotive_carrierwaveUpload files in your Ruby applications, map them to a range of ORMs, store them on diff...
2253,39555,921locomotivecms_builderThe LocomotiveCMS builder is a site generator for the LocomotiveCMS engine
2353,41620,954maglevcmsMaglevCMS integrates a powerful website/page builder with a polished UX/UI into your Ru...
2453,91569,337maglevMaglev is a simple CMS mountable engine to quickly add intelligent pages to your site
2555,16277,363formtastic-rails3A Rails form builder plugin/gem with semantically rich and accessible markup, patched f...
2655,563139,268locomotive-mongoid-treeA tree structure for Mongoid documents using the materialized path pattern
2758,976139,268locomotive_jammit-s3Jammit-S3 is an extension to the awesome Jammit library that handles deployment to s3 a...
2860,39492,362locomotive-herokuEnhance the LocomotiveCMS engine in order to make it run on Heroku
2966,605107,759bushido_stubBest tool ever for Bushido developers
3085,16855,921maglevcms-hyperui-kitCheck out https://www.hyperui.dev for more components.
3189,73646,988maglev-injectableA library to help you build nice service objects with dependency injection.
3299,350107,759translate_routes_rails_2_3Translates the Rails routes of your application into the languages defined in your loca...
33100,324107,759locomotive_cmdThe LocomotiveCMS binary tool
34102,37692,362boxcab-railsBoxcab Rails is the Ruby on Rails version of PerchCMS
35103,024107,759carrierwave-rails3Upload files in your Ruby applications, map them to a range of ORMs, store them on diff...
36111,958107,759rss_parserSimple RSS parser that supports feeds with HTTP Basic Authentication
37118,085139,268congoLibrary to define flexible schemas for mongodb documents.
38120,624139,268did_csv_builderCSV template Rails plugin
39121,622139,268did_token_generatorToken generator plugin
40121,658139,268did_crakenCraken is a rails plugin for managing and installing rake-centric crontab files over Ca...
41122,234139,268did_will_signSmall module for creating time-based hashes based on URLs
42122,298139,268did_worklingWorkling gives your Rails App a simple API that you can use to make code run in the bac...
43122,508139,268did_validates_presence_ofRails plugin that provides a validates_existence_of method for ActiveRecord models to c...
44122,639139,268did_active_modelProvides Rails model services (such as validations) to non-ActiveRecord descendants.
45127,494139,268super_finderTextMate's "cmd-T" functionality in a web app
46139,990139,268vat_calculatorHelper to calculate the VAT rate
47159,350182,265mongoid-locomotiveMongoid is an ODM (Object Document Mapper) Framework for MongoDB, written in Ruby.
48169,263139,268locomotivecms_searchThe LocomotiveCMS search automatically indexes the content of each site. Search engine ...
49178,047107,759service_orchestratorA small library to help you manage services with dependency injection.
50180,397139,268nocoffee_redis_rate_limitIf an application goes beyond quota defined by public APIs, they might ban it. To overc...
51181,68892,362nocoffee-kamalKamal with the TLS on demand feature.