Breuerio's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
119,63835,920ashikawa-coreAshikawa Core is a wrapper around the ArangoDB REST API. It provides low level access a...
225,17018,351hothCreating a SOA requires a centralized location to define all services within the SOA. F...
327,44120,749haz_enumuse has_set and has_enum in your ActiveRecord models if you want to have one (has_enum)...
460,37486,038gmaps_directionsSometimes you need to calculate the directions between two different points via Goo...
562,20128,793guacamoleODM for ArangoDB
682,18986,038bookingstudio-rubyruby interface to the Bookingstudio SOAP Interface
794,35686,038simple_publisherMore often than not you don't need a full fledged message queue like ActiveMQ or Rabbit...
897,03086,038better_nested_setThis plugin provides an enhanced acts_as_nested_set mixin for ActiveRecord, the object-...
9114,82486,038config_fuThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
10119,48386,038git_hooksThe goal is to provide a pluggable hook infrastructure, where you can easily use differ...
11130,22586,038webtaskRake files are great when dealing with other devs. Which know Ruby. For all others a Ra...