Retro's Gems

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#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
17261,559omniauth-facebookFacebook OAuth2 Strategy for OmniAuth
21,1541,306caxlsxxlsx spreadsheet generation with charts, images, automated column width, customizable s...
31,5252,677less-railsThe dynamic stylesheet language for the Rails asset pipeline. Allows other gems to exte...
41,8502,726globalizeRails I18n de-facto standard library for ActiveRecord model/data translation.
52,7675,077mongoid_paranoiaProvides a Paranoia module documents which soft-deletes documents.
63,1894,774routing-filterRouting filters wraps around the complex beast that the Rails routing system is, allowi...
73,9899,279less-rails-bootstrapCSS toolkit from Twitter For Rails 3.1+ Asset Pipeline. Best one of all!
84,5297,311globalize-versioningProvides support for using versioning gems such as PaperTrail with Globalize.
930,39423,402omniauth-office365omniauth provider for new Office365 API
1038,27861,367jtskConvert from JTSK to WGS84.
1163,41361,367ydjDownload whole music youtube channel
1263,84623,402meltHave you ever heard about icebergs or icicles? What about melting?
1367,85961,367ABORUBY ABO banking format library
1474,72361,367get_outGET OUT, NOW!
1578,5987,148kicksFast background processing framework for Ruby and RabbitMQ
1680,21761,367reotSimple ttf2eot convertor
18125,30241,086moped-i18nI18n backend for moped
19131,63661,367karasPHP in Ruby
20133,66761,367uuiddqdRuby libuuid
21144,79641,086numeric_nation_inputImplementation of saving nation numerc inputs in AR
22145,25841,086methicSimple arithmetic implemented by Treetop.
23169,92961,367currencies-iso4217Meta gem to not populate global namespace by requiring currencies gem in gemspec.