Envylabs's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
114,48657,505vaulted_billingSeveral card processors and gateways support offloading the storage of credit card info...
214,8937,924openssl-extensionsThis library patches OpenSSL to add helper methods and extensions to OpenSSL objects wi...
324,54922,984censusCensus is a Rails plugin that collects searchable demographics data for each of your ap...
436,84657,505refinerycms-image_rotatorsAn open source Ruby on Rails image rotator engine designed for integration with Refiner...
543,62457,505refinerycms-brushart_logoBrushart Logo engine for Refinery CMS.
648,85357,505refinerycms-mastheadCAT Mastheads engine for Refinery CMS
753,64157,505refinerycms-mapA RefineryCMS plugin that displays an interactive Google map with flaggable locations.
877,22057,505blue_light_specialRails authentication by email and password with integrated dependencies to MadMimi. Als...