Johnbintz's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,1603,268rack-livereloadInsert LiveReload into your app easily as Rack middleware
22,8964,225guard-railsRestart Rails when things change in your app
36,66920,275jasmine-headless-webkitRun Jasmine specs headlessly
49,0824,995bibliothecaryFind and parse manifests
511,44741,086guard-jasmine-headless-webkitRun jasmine-headless-webkit using guard
612,08361,367sprockets-vendor_gemsGet the vendored assets paths in gems.
715,62910,377penchantThings I do for my Rails projects to get up to speed in new environments fast
824,86961,367apache-config-generatorA Ruby DSL for programmatically generating Apache configs
934,82541,086svggvsGenerate sets of card game cards using Inkscape templates and Ruby
1044,99561,367bullseyeImplement DOM-ready execution in Rails using the Asset Pipeline.
1148,36961,367trivialFor those who are using PHP to build their sites and want a very simple framework in ...
1249,32661,367jasmine-spec-extrasBundle together oft-used Jasmine helper files in a clean way.
1355,55823,402persistent_seleniumKeep your Selenium browser open while you use Capybara to talk to it. Save seconds and ...
1460,02561,367decorates_before_renderingSmall add-on for Draper that decorates models before rendering.
1565,25561,367guard-roccoGuard to generate Rocco documentation
1669,49261,367rack-emstreamSuper-simple Rack streaming with Thin
1771,27561,367cucumber-step_writerWrite out step files for undefined Cucumber steps.
1877,45561,367cuke-packStuff I use for Cucumber
1978,40661,367guard-puppetGuard plugin to reapply Puppet configurations.
2099,29361,367hollandaiseGet delicious screenshots from Sauce Labs, easily
21102,45041,086sharkfrownStupid-simple Rack-based Markdown browser with syntax highlighting.
22110,85861,367itermwindowThe ItermWindow class models an iTerm terminal window and allows for full control via R...
23126,79261,367guard-hydraUse Hydra to run all specs. Super-fast!
24127,92061,367cap-packThings I do for Capistrano deploys.
25129,77961,367screenomatDSL for making GNU screen obey your will
26132,28061,367ruby-avm-libraryThis library makes working with Astronomy Visualization Metadata (AVM) tags within XMP ...