#44324's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
131,76717,852grape_ape_railsProvides customized Grape API functionality inside Rails
243,06253,556acts_as_mongo_taggableA ruby gem for acts_as_taggable to mongo
349,02586,038mongoid_alphadogA simple little gem that makes it easy to handle case-insensitive alphabetizing for Mon...
452,95986,038acts_as_mongo_rateableA ratings system for Rails apps using MongoDB, with bayesian and straight averages, and...
579,02328,793lock_and_cache_msgpackLock and cache methods, in case things should only be calculated once across processes.
698,14553,556enhanced-elastic-beanstalkThe simplest way to configure and deploy an Elastic Beanstalk application via rake. ...
7135,04186,038us_states_enhancedAs simple as that
8155,35686,038stimulizerStimulizer provides convenience methods for working with StimulusJS in views, templates...