#44338's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
159,60129,512dayGem for date parsing (in the scale of the day, hours is not very important in my projec...
278,83151,220weekSimple gem to work with weeks as arrays of date objects. Also include monkey patch for ...
386,71451,220palettAnother one gem for terminal output coloring.
4120,88351,220epubThis gem is still in work
5128,16851,220funCollection of functional syntactic sugar for Ruby programming language
6129,32951,220missionA lots of useful tools, that have sence only in Ruby Bots
7131,59251,220roodi1.9Roodi stands for Ruby Object Oriented Design Inferometer. It parses your Ruby code and ...
8133,14051,220rubybotsThis gem is related to Ruby Bots hosting (http://rubybots.com).