Pjaspers's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
126,4434,426dhis2Allows to retreive items from a DHIS2 server in a more "Ruby way".
227,34038,970capfireSend a notification to Campfire after a cap deploy
349,87838,970hesabuarithmetic equation solver.
459,46138,970waskoWasko colors your day/terminal
578,44138,970gasolineGasoline makes Campfire even brighter
680,15838,970shackRack middleware to expose a potential sha
7123,52238,970ghrunitWhen using GHUnit from the command line to run your tests, it gets pretty verbose. So y...
8134,02738,970stringerStringer: a wrapper for genstrings
9136,29038,970potemkinA gem to automate builds & deploys for Android, iOS and web apps
10138,63438,970frasierPassphrase generator using plain text books