#44366's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
16,7799,470gdata_19Ruby 1.9.x compatible Google GData gem makes it easy to work with the Google Data APIs
28,16410,726fusion_tablesA simple Google Fusion Tables API wrapper. Supports bulk inserts and most API functions
319,67342,025cartodb-importerImport CSV, SHP, and other files with data into a PostgreSQL table
469,13486,038ppe-dbpediafinderA small rubygem for dbpedia lookups
570,53586,038ppe-panoramioSimple Panoramio API client written in Ruby
671,18186,038ppe-postgis-adapterExecute PostGIS functions on Active Record
7105,14286,038ppe-ruby-geonamesRuby library for Geonames Web Services (http://www.geonames.org/export/)
8110,00786,038ppe-4store-rubyA Ruby library to interact with a 4store instance (a scalable RDF store), see http://4s...
9116,09086,038ppe-georubyGeoRuby provides geometric data types from the OGC 'Simple Features' specification.
10124,00786,038cartodb-rb-client-rails-322Allows quick and easy connection to the cartodb API.
11132,94686,038sequel-rails-cartodbIntegrate Sequel with Rails 3