#44371's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,8911,886prawn-svgThis gem allows you to render SVG directly into a PDF using the 'prawn' gem. Since PDF...
23,4014,206unix-cryptPerforms the UNIX crypt(3) algorithm using DES (standard 13 character passwords), MD5 (...
312,58886,038simple_google_authAn extremely easy way to protect your site by requiring Google logins without having to...
445,33786,038boatFile upload client and server specifically aimed at transferring already-encrypted backups
551,55742,025nitraMulti-process rspec runner
652,87386,038action_componentReact-style components for Rails, mixing together the controller and a DSL language for...
770,13586,038tinyimgConvert between JPEG/PNG, crop and resize images, either all in memory or via disk. On...
894,98486,038naclRuby wrapper around djb's NaCl networking and cryptography library
996,03986,038scrollysignDriver to write to Adaptive LED signs
10123,35386,038minimal_markdownA lightweight and minimal Ruby implementation of a Markdown renderer, designed with sec...
11131,05486,038yobYouDo Online Backup
12154,25253,556nz_covid_passThis gem reads in the data contained in a NZ Covid Pass 2D barcode, confirms the signat...
13157,83486,038publicanSimple subscribe/publish library for your Ruby objects. Instead of returning symbols o...
14169,34686,038base-langA simple stack-based assembly programming language and VM, made for learning.