#44375's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
127,55263,432haz_enumuse has_set and has_enum in your ActiveRecord models if you want to have one (has_enum)...
239,59463,432action_mailer_test_via_smtpSet one test-reciepient which gets all mails from th app in for example a test/staging ...
376,79463,432action_mailer_test_mailingSet one test-reciepient which gets all mails from th app in for example a test/staging ...
477,02163,432test_mail_interceptorWith this library you can catch all outgoing e-mails and redirect them to a specific ad...
579,12563,432serial-schedulerSchedule Task – execute all tasks at the same time one after another
682,33863,432bookingstudio-rubyruby interface to the Bookingstudio SOAP Interface
786,49441,916devise_couch_potatothis gem enables devise for couch_potato models
8129,81241,916scuby-warsLibrary for programming little AI-Bots, fighting against each other