Icaruswings's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
121,91630,305gizmogizmo is a simple page model testing framework used and sponsored by 'realestate.com.au...
249,39463,432mm-commentableA very simple mongomapper plugin to make you models commentable
363,21063,432mm-concernsA very simple mongomapper plugin that lets you organise your models into subdirectories
475,07563,432mm-friendableA very simple mongomapper plugin to add friendship functionality to your application
575,83963,432mm-voteableA very simple mongomapper plugin to add vote up/down superpowers to your models
6129,50863,432mm-transitionsa simple mongomapper plugin to add a full featured state machine to your models
7136,35863,432lurtzA static thing