1 | 48,683 | 20,054 | icapps-translations | Import translations from the iCapps translations portal. |
2 | 64,721 | 86,038 | yoke | Alias your current directory for fast directory access. |
3 | 72,867 | 31,663 | ive | A gem that allows you to bump the version of your Xcode project. You can do a major, mi... |
4 | 84,464 | 86,038 | woz | Generate strings files from an xls and vice versa. |
5 | 87,176 | 53,556 | trump | Add a gem to the Gemfile with more info in comments. |
6 | 100,851 | 53,556 | troops | Deploy iOS apps with betabuilder |
7 | 103,852 | 86,038 | motion_luc | Different kind of utilities for RubyMotion the way I use it. |
8 | 104,410 | 86,038 | motion_migrate | Generate the Core Data model from your RubyMotion code. |
9 | 120,459 | 86,038 | european-date-text-field | A gem for when you want to use a textfield to enter a European formatted date. |